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File Created: 22-Dec-2000 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  30-Apr-2014 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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Name SPIRE Mining Division Revelstoke
BCGS Map 082M058
Status Prospect NTS Map 082M09W
Latitude 051º 35' 36'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 118º 30' 58'' Northing 5716898
Easting 394980
Commodities Copper, Zinc, Silver Deposit Types G04 : Besshi massive sulphide Cu-Zn
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Kootenay
Capsule Geology

The Spire prospect is located about 7.5 kilometres southwest of the past producing Goldstream mine (MINFILE 082M 141). The stratigraphic setting of the Spire is believed to be the same as the Goldsteam.

The Spire prospect is underlain by Lower Cambrian and younger metasediments and metavolcanics of the Lardeau Group. It is flanked on the west by the Precambrian-Paleozoic(?) Shuswap Metamorphic Complex and on the east by Hadrynian Horsethief Creek Group rocks.

The metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks comprise five major lithologic packages. The lowest unit consists of dominantly pelitic and calcareous schists and marble and lies to the east of the property. This unit is overlain by a succession of rocks consisting of four main divisions (Bulletin 71).

The lower quartzite-schist division consists dominantly of pelitic schist and micaceous quartzite. The overlying calc-silicate gneiss division is comprised of calcareous phyllite and quartzite, marble and biotite gneiss. The metavolcanic-phyllite division, consisting of massive greenstone units, chloritic phyllite, ultramafic pods and dark calcareous to pelitic schists, is the host for the Goldstream deposit. The final carbonate-phyllite division consists of dolomite and limestone.

The dominant structure in the area are large, tight to isoclinal, east dipping to recumbent phase 2 folds. The average strike in the deposit area is 290 degrees with 35 degree northeast dips.

The Spire copper-zinc massive sulphide discovery is reported to be similar to Goldstream ore in appearance and grade. At Goldstream, the sulphide layer consists mainly of intimately intermixed pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite with numerous subrounded inclusions of quartz, phyllite and carbonate.

This occurrence was tested in September 2000 with 7 drill holes totalling 720 metres. A news release by owner Imperial Metal Corp (December 4, 2000) showed that Hole 1 intersected 3.12 metres grading 0.51 per cent copper and 1.08 per cent zinc and hole 4 intersected 3.7 metres grading 0.24 per cent copper and 1.49 per cent zinc. Silver values up to 51 grams per tonne were also obtained from grab samples. The mineralized zone has a true thickness of 3 metres (Imperial Metals News Release, Dec.4, 2000). This new zone is masked by overburden laterally, and dips steeply into the ground to the south. Sampling of the Spire showing revealed pods of high-grade copper and zinc mineralization within a broader zone of iron sulphide (Imperial Metals Corporation 2000 Annual Report).

In 2004, Orphan Boy complete a total of 1,559 metres of surface drilling in 14 holes from 10 different locations. Initially, a drill pattern of 25-metre-to-50-metre step-outs centred on the Spire discovery outcrop was employed, testing approximately 265 metres of strike length and 120 metres of down-dip extent on the copper-zinc-lead massive sulphide horizon. Massive and semi-massive sulphide horizons are interpreted to be at or near the Goldstream “mine horizon”. Grades and thicknesses approaching those at the mine are reported.

In 2012, Bethlehem Resources completed a program of geological mapping, prospecting and soil sampling on the Goldstream Property. This work was centered on the Brewster Creek valley to the north east.

EMPR ASS RPT *27677, 33730
EMPR EXPL 2000-33-41; 2003-53; 2004-54
EMPRMER 2004-14
EMPR MINING 1981-1985
EMPR OF 1992-1; 1994-1
EMPR P 1991-4, pp. 107,108
GSC MAP 12-1964
GSC OF 637
CMH 1983-84, p. 256; 1984-85, pp. 279,281
CMJ Vol.99, No.4, pp. 39-42 (Reinertson, L.C. (1978)); Oct. 1981,
p. 53; April 1992
ECON GEOL *Vol.79, No.5, pp. 789-814 (Hoy, T., Gibson, G. and Berg,
N.W. (1984))
N MINER Dec.11, 2000
Hoy, T. and Berg, N. (1983): Goldstream Deposit in Stratabound
Base Metal Deposits in Southeast B.C.- GAC MAC CGU 1983, pp. 11-1
to 11-9
Hoy, T. and Nelson, W.I. (1977): Goldstream: a massive sulphide
Cu-Zn deposit in Eocambrian metasediments, southeastern B.C. -
Abstract, GAC 1977 Annual Meeting, p. 25
Lane, L.S. (1977): Structure and stratigraphy, Goldstream River-
Downie Creek area, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; Unpublished M.Sc.
Thesis, Ottawa, Carleton University
New Release Imperial Metals Corp, Oct.17, Dec.4, 2000
PR REL Orphan Boy Resource Inc. Jan.23, Apr.20, *Aug.26, 2004